Paradise of a Thousand Shingles

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

a snippet of dinner conversation

Imagine the scene. Four girls are sitting around a table eating meatloaf, macaroni and cheese and/or baked potatoes, and broccoli while the following conversation takes place...

Kara: Well, you know, breastfeeding increases intelligence.

Jessica: (oh-my-maybe-I-should-try-this expression on her lovely countenance)

Mia: (catching on to what is going through Jessica's blonde head) The child, not you!

Jessica: (crest-fallen) Oooh.

Sara: (chokes on her broccoli)

Kara: (chokes on her baked potato)

Mia: (doesn't have food in her mouth)

So, boys, does it make you uncomfortable when we talk about breastfeeding? 75% of us think not. After all, if you guys take enough hormones, you can do it too!


  • At 12:50 AM, Blogger Tamara Rose said…

    *smiling and laughing really hard!* That is very funny!
    Don't you just love moment like that?!! We have them at our table all the time! :) We should write some of them down!

    Seriously you guys have the best pictures. Man you must have a lot of fun. And with four girls there has got to be some drama, right? lol, like the sink overflowing, and choking on food and steeling each other stuff. Any of that happen? :)

    Well if we come back this summer i want a tour of the lovely Paradise of shingles. :)

    So you guys- sorry, girls, take turns cooking and cleaning and stuff? :) fun fun.

    Well hope you enjoyed all your lovely snow! We fried down here! It was above 100 F here and below 0 there! Now that is just madness!

    take care beautiful girls,

    P.S. interesting Q. 'tis funny how different guy and girl conversations can be. :)

  • At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, breast-feeding conversations are extremely awkward, almost as much so as birthing conversations. If one is coming and I can't stop it, I will leave the room to avoid it.

    It's like when I was in EMT class, and they were teaching us about obstetric emergencies, and the instructor gave us this make-believe scenario:

    Instructor: "You're on the ambulance and dispatched to WalMart for a 9-months pregnant woman on the floor in the bathroom who thinks she's going into labor. What do you do?"

    Me (not wanting to deal with awkward situations): "umm....I call 911."

    Instructor: "YOU ARE 911!"

    That's when we learned that you have to get over modesty and awkwardness really quick in the medical professions.

  • At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Abram, you left out the second punchline where you say "Then I call my Mom!"

  • At 2:26 AM, Blogger Jeremiah said…



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