Paradise of a Thousand Shingles

Sunday, December 31, 2006


I feel sorry for all the loyal fans of Shingle Paradise dwellers who check our blog every day only to discover, with a wistful sigh, that we have not yet updated. Thus for these sad souls I have concocted a very brief post which should satisfy your burning curiousity...

SP Resident #1, having recently visited Florida with her sister, is up to things which I know not of. I believe she is working at the roller skating rink in Lafayette a few days and spending the rest of her time in picturesque southern Indianapolis.

SP Resident #2 is updating this blog from her father's laptop. Northern Indianapolis is not picturesque. It is gray and raining. SP Resident #2 kind of likes rain, though.

SP Residents #s 3 & 4 are in Pennsylvania visiting various assortments of friends. I assume they are having a fabulous time, but that is an unverified statement. I think it's time for me to call them again.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What happens when you sniff too much rubber cement

"It tastes like peaches sautéed in paint thinner. Dang, I dig these mangos."

-"Anonymous" Shingle Paradise resident

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Answers:

Keith wins. He got two answers right, and had mostly correct reasoning about why he guessed what he did. After that, all the rest of you only got one right except Andrew who was 100% wrong. Since I should be doing homework, here are the answers more quickly than our more bored readers might like.

Da Vinci's Madonna was mine. I do love the lighting, but more than that I love how Leonardo toned down the usual glorified enthroned Madonna and approached Mary's status as a peasant. I love how St. Anne's face is lined and tired. I love the symbolism of Christ holding the lamb. And the composition itself is lovely. But it still has a pictorial portrayal of Christ, and since I have second commandment issues I shouldn't like this painting. And I don't like that part of it.

Mia likes the Dali painting because "What everyone sees isn't necessarily the same. At first glance one person might see something, but another might see something else." We were surprised that Mia liked this painting, because it wasn't realistic, and was almost abstract. Mia counters that the painting makes you think, and there's no reason not to like it.

Sara chose Bernini's sculpture. I love it too, but you guys are still too prone to assign anything classical to me. We're trickier than that. This sculpture is awesome because, Sara says, "It's so realistically beautiful in all the details." The reason it isn't mine is there is no reason I shouldn't like it. I've taken a full semester of Greek art, and partially draped stone figures don't bother me anymore. Sara, on the other hand, still "groans with discontent" when our neighbors run around our back yard playing football without shirts.

And, from process of elimination, by now you know that Jessica picked American Gothic. "It speaks for itself. Just go to the Art Institute in Chicago and you'll understand. The .jpeg doesn't accurately portray the real true, like, awesomeness of it." Whatever. It's kind of ugly. And the reason Jess shouldn't like it is it isn't abstract, and Jess's aesthetic tastes are somewhat limited, as she won't take art history until next semester, so she only likes abstract art. And she especially dislikes art with people in it, unless "they're awesome like this one."

Now we at Shingle Paradise are going to eat a vegetarian dinner. Mmmmm. Then we are going to Shingle Paradise #17 for Bible study. So I'm done.

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